Sencha Architect Project Templates

Ext Templates

  1. MVC: Basic MVC parts, inculding a Model, Model's Store, Controller, Controller Action and Views.
  2. Navigation: Navigation menu with interchanging content panels and URL history.
  3. Login/Register: User login and registration form.
  4. Master/Detail: Grid with detail view.
  1. Header, Content
  2. Left, Content
  3. Header, Content, Footer
  4. Header, Left, Right
  5. Left, Top, Bottom
  6. Header, Left, Top, Bottom
  7. Header, Left, Content, Right, Footer
  8. Header, Side Menu, Content
  9. Header, Accordian Menu, Content
  10. Header, Tree Menu, Content
  11. Header, Tab Menu, Content
  12. Header, Four Panes
  13. Swappable Panes
Starter Apps
  1. CRUD: Master/detail view with Create/Read/Update/Delete. Includes editable grid and model form for editing.
  2. Task Manager
  3. Portal
  4. News Feed
  5. Image Gallery
  6. Time Tracker
  7. ...

Touch Templates

  1. MVC Basic MVC parts, inculding a Model, Model's Store, Controller, Controller Action and Views.
  2. Navigation Uses Touch NavigationView and modal menu.
  3. Master/Detail A list with detail view.
  4. Search List A searchable list.
  5. Login/Register: User login and registration form.
  6. Touch Maps: Map with ability to add and store locations.
  1. Top Bar, Content
  2. Top Bar, Bottom Bar, Content
  3. Bottom Bar, Content
  4. Carousel
  5. Multi-row Carousel
  6. Tabs
Starter Apps
  1. TaskList
  2. ...